The Need for Jewish PR
Why Jews Must Engage with the World
Faced with endless persecution, Jews either dived into wider society and washed away their identity, or withdrew into ghettos, cutting all contact with the outside world. It’s time for a new path. The menorah sheds light on how to blaze a radical third approach.
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The Need for Jewish PR
Why Jews Must Engage with the World
Faced with endless persecution, Jews either dived into wider society and washed away their identity, or withdrew into ghettos, cutting all contact with the outside world. It’s time for a new path. The menorah sheds light on how to blaze a radical third approach.
ss and tragedy.
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The Day Your Soul is Set Afire
The Chassidic Holiday You’ve Never Heard of That Will Change Your Life
A famed Chassidic master taught that when we set out to conquer the world, we should only let our bodies out of the gate, remaining true to our soul. This pithy teaching contains the secret to life you’re looking for, and there’s a whole new holiday to celebrate it. Lechaim.
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• A Time for Mercy – The recital of the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Yud Gimmel Midos HaRachmim) is the divinely ordained method to evoke G-d’s mercy. But can they be invoked at any time, even without a Minayn? What is the Rebbe’s opinion?
• Publicizing in Private – The defining theme of Chanukah is the Mitzvah to publicize the miracles that occurred then. From the Halacha to light at a window to the Rebbe’s campaign for public lightings, the defining theme of lightning the Menorah is the Mitzvah to publicize the miracles that occurred then. But does there still remain a special Mitzvah to light in your own home?
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Are you headed in the right direction? Depends who you ask. And when.
Many Jewish practices, such as circling the Bima on various occasions, shaking the Lulav, lighting the Chanukah candles, and others, are associated with particular physical movements in both the right and left directions.
However, the definition of right and left is apparently subject to interpretation. Is “derech yemin” clockwise or counterclockwise?
Read the history of this controversy and its intriguing halachic applications.
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US$1.50 por cuadernillo + envío *
Chispas de Sabiduría es un programa de aprendizaje social en el que grupos de participantes leen y discuten diez pequeños y potentes párrafos del Tania, a partir de un cuadernillo especialmente diseñado, completo y autoexplicativo, textos y preguntas de discusión interesantes para reflexionar y desencadenar la discusión.
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One of the the central themes of Chanukah is Pirsumei Nisa, the public display and celebration of the holiday. Around the world, Menorah’s are kindled in Malls, at City Halls and all sorts of public places. May one recite the traditional blessing over the Chaukah lights if they are being lit in the city square and not in the privacy of one’s home or Shul?
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The Foundation of the Mitzvah of the Chanukah Lights Is the mitzvah defined as the act of kindlingor in the light’s being lit?
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