Study or Sink: Secular Education and the Hunt for a Job $39.00
Judaism generally eschews secular education at the expense of Torah study. The reality, though, is often that one must gain some education or skill in order to make a livelihood. What does Jewish law say about this? What are the limits? How do we balance dogma with daily life?
Related: Studying the Secular: The Soul of the MatterIn stock
על בכיה ודמעות $39.00
עת לבכות ועת לשחוק. על סוגי בכיות השונות, מעלותיה והשפעתה על האדם, לאור השקפת הוגי מחשבת ישראל ומאורי החסידות.
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Au contraire! The Ins-and-Outs of Contradicting Parents, Teachers and Rabbis $39.00
Each individual is blessed with a unique vantage point through which to observe reality. But are there circumstances in which voicing those opinions is inappropriate accoriding to Torah law? What is the halachah about disagreeing with pre-eminent Torah sages?
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Supporting Yeshivos and the Jewish Future (Sources) $39.00
A Yeshiva is the mainstay of the Jewish community. The Rebbe would often encourage people to support Yeshivos in a myriad of ways, be it by encouraging enrollment, assisting with financial support, and the like. This features a collection of the Rebbe’s talks on the importance of supporting Yeshivos.
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Hygiene and Halachah $39.00
What do Torah sources require in maintaining a high standard of cleanliness, particularly with regard to food preparation?
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Human Disabilities and Halachic Sensibilities $39.00
What are the challenges that the physically and mentally disabled face in observing Jewish law? Are exceptions made? How does halacha balance its obligations to the Torah and to man?
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Unhealthy Obsession?: Why food and feasts are central to Judaism $75.00
Why is eating so important to Jewish people? Is there something holy about it? A comprehensive survey of the role that food and eating plays in Jewish life.
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The Mandate to Vaccinate (Sources) $39.00
People have long weighed the risks of preventive vaccination against the risk of deadly disease. Where does halachah stand on inoculations and is there room for personal autonomy on this matter?
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Youth of the Future (Sources) $39.00
How can we empower our youth to be the leaders of tomorrow? An indexed collection of sources from the Rebbe about youth and other related subjects.
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