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  • The Soul of a Leader $75.00

    In our era of material affluence, there is little we lack other than worthy, honorable and effective leadership.
    But you may be surprised to learn that many more people are capable of leadership than are currently aware. If you are reading this, you probably are too. Gain a deeper understanding of Jewish tradition’s rich history of iconic and celebrated leaders. How did they balance competence and control, with humility and self-transcendance? Most importantly, how can you?
    Tamlichuni Aleichem.

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  • The Jewish View of Anti-Semitism $75.00

    Sadly, antisemitism is as much a part of Jewish life as anything else. So what does the Torah say about this regular fixture of our lives? How does Chassidus explain this ancient hatred? Can we do anything about it or is this part of Jewish destiny?

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  • Immersive Torah Education $75.00

    Providing the highest level of quality Torah education for Jewish children has always been of paramount importance to the Jewish community.

    Even amongst Chassidim, the Chabad educational model aspires for unique goals and engages a most rigorous regimen of Torah subjects for the entire duration of the school day.

    What lies at the heart of the Gold Standard of Chabad education?

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  • Studying the Secular: The Soul of the Matter $75.00

    What are the theological underpinnings of the school of thought that advocates for a Jewish child to experience a wholesome Torah education that is unencumbered by the pursuit of secular knowledge?

    This is a sequel to an earlier paper that addressed the relevant halachic issues.

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  • A Palestinian State? $75.00

    There are few topics more central to modern Jewish life than Israel. Israel’s policies regarding the territories it conquered during Six Day War remain controversial. As an issue that involves the security and safety of millions of Jewish lives, it is crucial to find a sustainable approach. In recent years, with the revolution in Egypt and Israel’s wars with Hamas, the Rebbe’s opinion in this debate has been proven to be ever more accurate, as is now acknowledged by many in the Jewish world and the Israeli establishment. What was the Rebbe’s view, and why is his opinion deemed so vital to addressing this issue?

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