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  • The Vegan Advantage? $75.00

    Since time immemorial, society has debated the merits of consuming animal meat for food. Today, many associate vegetarianism with compassion for sentient life, animal rights as well as a number of other cultural or health-related concerns.
    What does traditional Judaism have to contribute to this conversation? Turns out — quite a bit.
    Discover the various philosophical, halachic and kabbalistic aspects of nourishing our bodies with sustenance of animal origin.

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  • The Torah’s Vision of Friendship $75.00

    This paper seeks to define the role of friendship in
    Jewish thought and law. What is its significance? To what extent, if any, must
    one build and develop friendships? What halakhic obligations attach to these

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  • The Morality of Civilian Casualties $75.00

    One of the biggest horrors of war is the damage it inflicts on innocent people. But collateral damage is inescapable. What is the Jewish view of this painful reality? Where is the line between acceptable and immoral? Is the killing of innocents ever justified?

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  • Sexual Abuse and Misconduct in Jewish Law and Ethics – A Monograph $75.00

    The reality of sexual abuse in the Jewish community demands a clear response and informed guidance.

    Understanding both the legal and ethical dimensions of this issue are critical to the prevention of this crime, and this paper seeks to address both.

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  • עניני מחילה $39.00

    רגילים אנו יום יום למחול ולסלוח על דברים זעירים פה ושם, ברחוב ובאוטובוס. ״סליחה״ מבקש ההולך רגל, ו״מחול לך״ הוא מקבל בלב שלם. אך לא תמיד הדבר כן בסכסוכים וקטטות שבין איש לרעהו. המאמר שלפנינו מגדיר את חיוב המחילה, תנאיה והגדרתה.

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  • The Meaning of Love $39.00

    With our culture drowning in a flood of twisted representations of love, it is little wonder that people are feeling more alone than ever. It is time to rediscover the true definition of love. According to Torah, what is love? What is its value? How do we achieve it? A survey of the Jewish ideal of love.

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  • הצלת נפש בנפש $39.00

    איסור רציחה הוא מהאיסורים החמורים ביותר. אך במקרים מסויימים, בבחינת יוצא מן הכלל, הותר להציל את חבירו ממיתה גם אם יש להרוג לשם כך. נשאלת איפוא השאלה באם פעולת הצלה של רבים מותרת אם תגרום על ידי זה הריגתו של יחיד? ההגדרה, התנאים והמגבלות.

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  • Can Rabbis Give Medical Advice? $39.00

    While it is undisputed
    that doctors are healers of the body, the ultimate Healer is G-d. May we also
    seek medical guidance from rabbis or other Jewish authorities? Is it
    irresponsible to ask rabbis about medical issues- or is it irresponsible not

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  • Kiruv with Love: Its Origins and its Propriety $39.00

    What are the founding principles of kiruv? What are the
    origins of kiruv b’ahavah specifically? What are its advantages and its
    pitfalls? A thorough examination of the phenomenon that now defines Jewish

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  • The Mandate to be a Mentsch $39.00

    Jewish law reserves great respect for the human being, whether his emotional health or physical wellbeing. This paper looks at the safeguards for human dignity that Judaism has in place, inspired by the belief that to respect man is to respect G-d. 

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  • מצות אהבת ישראל $39.00

    ואהבת לרעך כמוך. ביטוי נפוץ ונעים. אלא שהאומנם הכוונה להמשמעות הפשוטה או שמא שהוא על דרך ההפלגה? האם די צורך החיוב במעשים של חיבה גרידא או שמא אהבה זו נחוצה להתבטא גם ברגש הלב של ממש? מאמר מסכם על הכלל הגדול בתורה.

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