Gender Modification and Jewish Law (Sources) [New!] $75.00
“Man and woman He created them” (Bereishis 1:27).
Newborn babies arrive from the mint of the Creator assigned with a particular gender. But does this have to remain this way? What if people feel that they ought to belong to the opposite gender? What is the Torah perspective regarding availing oneself of modern techniques to align one’s physical features with one’s “gender identity”?
Throughout history there have been medical anomalies which have not fit neatly into the standard definitions of male or female. This collection also documents some of those instances as addressed by the Torah authorities of their times.Related: Alternative Lifestyles
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Do Lifestyles Have Alternatives? [New!] $39.00
Since the genesis of humanity, the family unit has comprised of a man and woman – the formula for procreation. There are, however, some who struggle with traditional orientations that depart from this standard.
Should this issue be cast as merely a matter of human rights? What may be a healthy balance between compassion and adherence to Jewish law?
A collection of responses and essays by contemporary Rabbinic voices.
Related: Gender IdentitiesIn stock
The Dynamics of Jewish Marriage $39.00
This detailed review of the halachic underpinnings of a marriage sheds light on several controversial issues. Why can divorce be initiated by the man only? What, in the Jewish view, is the essence of marriage? Why are the gender roles so vastly different?
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Is It Always Necessary to Get a Get? $39.00
If a couple was married
under Reform or Conservative auspices, do they need a get should they wish to
divorce? An analysis of the validity and consequences of non-Orthodox marriage
ceremonies.In stock
תפלה על קברי צדיקים. א $75.00
מאז ומעולם, היוו קברי אבותינו וצדיקי עליון ע״ה מקום לעתירה, תפלה ובקשה. אלא שמנהג קדוש זה היווה בד בבד גם מקור לתמיהה – מנא לן הא מילתא? האומנם אין היהודי אמור להתפלל אל הקדוש ברוך הוא, ולו יתברך בלבד? האם אין בזה משום איסור ׳דורש אל המתים׳? זאת ועוד: בקשותיו של אדם על קברו של צדיק – האם מהוות הן הפרעה למנוחתם או נחת רוח לנשמתם הטהורה? סקירה מקיפה ממשנתם של גדולי ישראל בנידון תפלה על קברי צדיקים.
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Pristine Pedigree $39.00
“The glory of children are their fathers” (Prov. 17, 6). One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a heritage they can be proud of. But what happens when the circumstances surrounding a child’s birth are questionable. Can the indiscretions of the parents taint the child’s soul, and if yes, when? Can these limit his or her marriage prospects? An exploration of the relevant halachos covering a variety of situations.
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Pre-Nuptial Agreements $39.00
Many Rabbanim have proposed various Pre-Nuptial agreements to remedy the Aguna crisis. This features a synopsis of the views in favor and against the Pre-Nup.
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Bond of Brothers $39.00
Are the souls of two brothers closely aligned? What is the legal formula for inheriting the estate of a deceased brother? Why are Jews referred
to as the “brothers” of G-d? A comprehensive treatise on the legal and spiritual dimensions of the brother-sibling relationship.In stock
Coercing an Apostate to Divorce $39.00
Is coercion a valid means of achieving the divorce of an apostate Jew and his estranged wife? A Jew is assumed to have a natural desire to lead a Torah lifestyle. What if a Jew converted and rejected his heritage? If compulsory measures are taken to ensure his granting of a Get, is it halachically valid?
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טוענת שנבעלה אם מותר לבעלה להחזירה $39.00
עיון בדין אשה שזינתה ואיסורה על בעלה והמסתעף מזה במקרה של חשש ניאוף. עריכת התשובה בהתייעצות עם שני מורי הוראה.
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Get by Force $39.00
What is the position of contemporary halachic authorities regarding
coercing a husband to provide a Get for his wife? – reviewed here in light of
the recent scandal.In stock