Medical Intervention for Terrorists – To Treat or Not to Treat? [New!] $75.00
The sanctity and celebration of human life in Judaism can be said to be commensurate with the aspiration for death amongst our enemies.
The recent headlines reporting that some Israeli MDA first responders provide emergency medical care for injured terrorists, raises some serious ethical dilemmas.
What is the Torah’s position?
A detailed exploration of these laws as they pertain to Bnei Noach and Gerei Toshav; the laws of Lo Sichanem, Rodef, Moser and more.In stock
The Jewish View of Anti-Semitism $75.00
Sadly, antisemitism is as much a part of Jewish life as anything else. So what does the Torah say about this regular fixture of our lives? How does Chassidus explain this ancient hatred? Can we do anything about it or is this part of Jewish destiny?
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My Heart Is in the West – Praying Toward Yerushalayim $39.00
Must a shul always face the Holy Land? What are the reasons behind this famous tradition? And if the shul was already built facing another direction, must it be changed?
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The Law and the Lore of Ascending the Temple Mount $75.00
Once the home of the Beit Hamikdash, the Temple Mount endures as
the holiest place on earth. It has also continued to ignite much passionate
debate in Jewish law. May a Jew climb this sacred mountain? Must he? And if he
does, what must he be aware of?In stock
The Morality of Civilian Casualties $75.00
One of the biggest horrors of war is the damage it inflicts on innocent people. But collateral damage is inescapable. What is the Jewish view of this painful reality? Where is the line between acceptable and immoral? Is the killing of innocents ever justified?
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Early Rabbinic Attitudes towards Immigration to the United States (Sources) $39.00
Land of the free. During the 19th century, unprecedented numbers of European Jews emigrated to the Free World. What are the earliest rabbinic sources that address the challenges facing the new immigrants? Were there any positive sentiments expressed by leading Torah authorities about the freedom and opportunity that America afforded? Also, did King Solomon bring gold from the “Goldene Medina”?
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The Devastation of Midyan: Justice or Genocide? $39.00
The final battle of Moshe’s lifetime is known as the war with Midyan. Moshe conveyed the divine instruction to take the lives of all the male Midyanite minors. Can this paradigm be reconciled with modern-day norms of war?
(updated)In stock
A Palestinian State? $75.00
There are few topics more central to modern Jewish life than Israel. Israel’s policies regarding the territories it conquered during Six Day War remain controversial. As an issue that involves the security and safety of millions of Jewish lives, it is crucial to find a sustainable approach. In recent years, with the revolution in Egypt and Israel’s wars with Hamas, the Rebbe’s opinion in this debate has been proven to be ever more accurate, as is now acknowledged by many in the Jewish world and the Israeli establishment. What was the Rebbe’s view, and why is his opinion deemed so vital to addressing this issue?
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