When the Swine Will be Divine $39.00
Hog farming is a multi-billion dollar industry, yielding one of the worlds most popular meats. Yet this animal is also emblematic of all that Judaism regards as distasteful and non-Kosher.
A Jewish tradition describes the future return of this creature to the Kosher carte du jour in the Messianic era.
Can this be traced to traditional Torah sources, and if yes, what does it mean? How can this be reconciled with the immutability of the Torah?In stock
The Third Temple — Today? $39.00
This paper seeks to
crystallize the Torah commandment to build a Temple. To whom does it apply?
When is the commandment in force? And if we do build a Temple today, what
status will it have?In stock
A Map to Moshiach $75.00
Moshiach’s arrival will be preceded by events and circumstances that are foretold in the writings of Chazal. Some are catastrophic, some euphoric, and some appear fantastical. This paper examines the different descriptions of these heady days, with a particular focus on the views of Rambam and the Rebbe.
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Roots of Reincarnation $75.00
Belief in the afterlife is a fundamental principle of Judaism. But where does the belief in the reincarnation of the soul fit into the picture? Considering its pronounced appearance in Kabbalistic literature, it is reasonable to wonder whether other voices within traditional Judaism embrace this concept as well.
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Moshiach’s Mysterious Harp – Music of the Future $39.00
The ultimate redeemer is expected to play a kinor of eight-strings. Understand the mystical dimensions of this instrument and the unique era of a world living in peace and harmony.
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Identity of Moshiach (Sources) $39.00
We are all waiting for Moshiach and pray daily for his arrival. But should we try to identify who he is? Is the identification of Moshiach appropriate? Were there Sages who indeed pointed out the persona of Moshiach throughout history?
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