To Give or Not to Give?
$39.00Original price was: $39.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.While the tradition of Maaser is well known, many of its details are less well-known. Is there a time limit within which I must give? Am I obligated to give Maaser if I sell an item in order to purchase one of greater value? Is Maaser applicable when my stock shares rise? This paper thoroughly analyzes the fundamental Mitzvah of Maaser.
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מהות ושרש נפשות בעלי חיים $39.00
גם לבעלי חיים ישנם נפש ורוח ממנה הם שואפים את חיותם. אלא ששונה היא מדריגת נפש הבהמה מנשמת האדם. על מהותה של נפש הבהמה ושורשה למעלה לאור תורת החסידות.
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Sanctity of the Synagogue $39.00
The synagogue has served as the center of gravity for Jewish communities throughout history. While Jews attend Shul first and foremost, to pray, many Shuls typically host all sorts of events and meetings as well. What does the halachah say about a Shul accomodating both social comaraderie and communion with the divine at the same time?
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Love Thyself (Part II) – The Limits of Physical Self-Abuse
$75.00Original price was: $75.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.Does smoking violate our responsibility to protect our bodies? What about drinking alcohol? Do drugs fall into the same category? This paper examines the parameters of shmiras haguf and extracts the principles that inform halacha’s approach to the various ways of harming oneself.
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Love Thyself: The Imperative to Secure Material and Emotional Wellbeing $39.00
An interesting look at man’s obligations to himself. What does Jewish law demand of him to do to better his lot in life? A survey of the financial, emotional and health precautions that one must take.
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The Chazzan’s Dilemma $39.00
The greatest cantorial pieces call for the
repetition of certain words. When is this allowed? What is the issue? And what
role, if any, does the Chazzan play in Chabad philosophy?In stock
Angels and Demons $39.00
Many cultures believe in supernatural beings. Is there a unique Torah perspective on the purpose and function of these entities? How do they operate and should one be concerned about their existence?
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Souls and Spirits $39.00
This paper features an in-depth look at our spiritual anatomy. Are the Divine soul and the Good Impulse synonymous? What about the Animal soul and the Evil Impulse? Most importantly, how can this information empower us in our service of G-d?
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It’s Written in the Stars: The Jewish Approach to Astrology, Zodiac and the Horoscopes
$75.00Original price was: $75.00.$39.00Current price is: $39.00.Since the dawn of civilization, man has been fascinated with divining his destiny. Whether it was reading animal entrails or tracing the movements of stars, ancient philosophers claimed to know the answers to your future. Though Torah holds most of these methods in contempt, Astrology remains a hotly debated subject in Torah. What is Torah’s viewpoint on this ancient form of divination? Is it idolatry? Sheer nonsense? Isn’t the Jewish fascination with months and Mazal a form of Astrology? Embark on a thorough analysis of Torah’s perspective on this art.
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Bowing in Prayer $75.00
As an expression of honor and submission, bowing before an authority has always been common. In Jewish prayer, numerous segments are associated with bowing and prostration. What are some of the reasons for bowing during the recital of Modeh Ani, Barchu, the Amida, Aleinu and during the Yom Kippur service?
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עניני מחילה $39.00
רגילים אנו יום יום למחול ולסלוח על דברים זעירים פה ושם, ברחוב ובאוטובוס. ״סליחה״ מבקש ההולך רגל, ו״מחול לך״ הוא מקבל בלב שלם. אך לא תמיד הדבר כן בסכסוכים וקטטות שבין איש לרעהו. המאמר שלפנינו מגדיר את חיוב המחילה, תנאיה והגדרתה.
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The Drugs Debate
$75.00Original price was: $75.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.What does the Torah stand on narcotics and other illegal substances? Would halacha demand that government intervene and regulate its citizens’ drug use? Or perhaps it is better to legalize such things, allowing addicts to escape a life of crime and perhaps start on the path to recovery?
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Honor is not Dead: Kibud Av V’Em $39.00
Many of contemporary society’s challenges could be remedied by the observance of the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents. Yet Kibbud Av V’Em is a broad and sweeping mitzvah with vaguely defined boundaries. To what extent are we obligated? Are we required to sacrifice our own social life to care for our parents? Does it apply to marriage partners? How do we define respect? Learn the Torah’s definition of honoring our parents.
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Mother of Royalty
$39.00Original price was: $39.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.The circumstances surrounding the birth of King David remain obscure. Legend has it that Nitzeves endured great personal sacrifice in mothering the Sweet Singer of Israel. How is this chapter in King David’s life understood through the lenses of Torah scholarship?
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The Reality of Dreams $75.00
What is the purpose of dreams? Are their messages real? Is a dream about a Tzaddik to be considered fact or fantasy?
(Includes 88 pages of supplementary material)
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