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    The Tale of the Hebrew Tongue
    The Tale of the Hebrew Tongue Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Students of the Torah and ancient Jewish works find Hebrew to be a language with a mysterious and enigmatic history. What is the origin of Lashon haKodesh? Is the Hebrew we speak today identical to the Hebrew spoken thousands of years ago? Why was Aramaic preferred over Hebrew in Talmudic times? Pierce the veil of mystery surrounding our ancient and historic language.

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  • Being Generous to Gentiles $39.00

    Wherever and whenever humanitarian disasters strike, Jewish agencies are the first to help. Why? This paper explores the Jewish people’s responsibilities to the peoples of the world.

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  • As Confusing as Night and Day $39.00

    The International Date
    Line causes halachic headaches in a number of ways. A fascinating discussion of
    the overall halachic view of the International Date Line, with a focus on the
    specific difficulties it imposes on the observance of Shabbat and Shavuot.

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  • Angels of the Ark $39.00

    What did the golden cherubs atop the Ark represent? What was their exact form? And didn’t their existence violate the prohibition against graven images?

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    A Palestinian State?
    A Palestinian State? Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    There are few topics more central to modern Jewish life than Israel. Israel’s policies regarding the territories it conquered during Six Day War remain controversial. As an issue that involves the security and safety of millions of Jewish lives, it is crucial to find a sustainable approach. In recent years, with the revolution in Egypt and Israel's wars with Hamas, the Rebbe’s opinion in this debate has been proven to be ever more accurate, as is now acknowledged by many in the Jewish world and the Israeli establishment. What was the Rebbe’s view, and why is his opinion deemed so vital to addressing this issue?

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    A Stroll Through the Garden of Torah
    A Stroll Through the Garden of Torah Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Pardes. A single word that encompasses the wondrous depths of Torah. What does an esoteric discourse have to do with a Halachic debate? How can a Gematriah and a Tosfos be considered equal parts of Torah? Pardes. Every aspect of Torah has multiple facets of interpretation. Delve into the depths of Torah’s wellsprings as a single Mitzvah is explained – on four different levels of understanding.

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  • Supporting Yeshivos and the Jewish Future (Sources) $39.00

    A Yeshiva is the mainstay of the Jewish community. The Rebbe would often encourage people to support Yeshivos in a myriad of ways, be it by encouraging enrollment, assisting with financial support, and the like. This features a collection of the Rebbe’s talks on the importance of supporting Yeshivos.

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  • Identity of Moshiach (Sources) $39.00

    We are all waiting for Moshiach and pray daily for his arrival. But should we try to identify who he is? Is the identification of Moshiach appropriate? Were there Sages who indeed pointed out the persona of Moshiach throughout history?


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  • Intellectual Property (Sources) $75.00

    In a world where new ideas and startups appear every day, the challenge of protecting one’s ideas becomes an ever increasing concern. How does Jewish law perceive the definition of ownership with regard to intellectual property? Can one protect a brand, image or concept? Does it matter if the idea is copyrighted by law or not? This includes a synopsis of the basic sources on this complex matter.

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    The Clock Strikes Six
    The Clock Strikes Six Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    The winter Shabbos is an eccentric experience. The moment the last Kaddish finishes, a sudden urgency befalls the congregants: suddenly there’s a desperate need to be home, a manic dash to make it before that fated hour – and should you arrive just a minute too late, you have to wait until 7:00 for Kidush, or do you?  What is the origin of this seemingly peculiar custom? Does everyone agree with it? Should one wait the hour, possibly compelling guests to hungrily watch the ticking clock till the magic moment arrives?

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    The Power of Tefilah b'Tzibbur
    The Power of Tefilah b’Tzibbur Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $36.00.

    A digest of the philosophy behind communal prayer. What makes it so valuable? What purpose does it serve? Does the prayer of the individual not achieve the same as the prayers of a congregation? A look at the deeper meaning of tefilah b'tzibbur.

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    Opsherenish: The Origins of a Jewish Boy’s First Hair Cut Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Many Jews won’t cut a boy’s hair until he is three years old. What is the history of this custom? What lessons does it hold for us? And does everyone have to keep to it?

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  • The Mandate to be a Mentsch $39.00

    Jewish law reserves great respect for the human being, whether his emotional health or physical wellbeing. This paper looks at the safeguards for human dignity that Judaism has in place, inspired by the belief that to respect man is to respect G-d.


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  • הכרזות באמצע התפלה $75.00

    תופעה מבורכת ההולכת ומתרחבת בימינו היא מספר הבאים לדרוש את ה׳ בבתי הכנסת. בין אלו, גם מתחילים שאינם בקיאים בסדר התפילה, וזקוקים להנחיות והדרכות באמצע התפילה. מובן כי הנחיצות מחד דורשת גם בקיאות בדיני הפסק בתפילה מאידך. לפנינו בירור מקיף לשאלה מתי ובאיזה תנאים מותר להפסיק לצורך הכרזה באמצע התפילה.

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    דיני טלית ותפילין על פי מנהג חב״ד
    דיני טלית ותפילין על פי מנהג חב״ד Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    המאמר שלפנינו סוקר את פרטי צורת עשיית הטלית ועטיפתו, ואת צורת התפילין ולבישתם על פי מנהג חסידי חב״ד, אשר יסודותם בהררי קדש של תורת הסוד.

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  • מצות אהבת ישראל $39.00

    ואהבת לרעך כמוך. ביטוי נפוץ ונעים. אלא שהאומנם הכוונה להמשמעות הפשוטה או שמא שהוא על דרך ההפלגה? האם די צורך החיוב במעשים של חיבה גרידא או שמא אהבה זו נחוצה להתבטא גם ברגש הלב של ממש? מאמר מסכם על הכלל הגדול בתורה.

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