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  • יסוד תקנת אמירת ברכת שהחיינו $39.00

    שהחיינו וקיימנו לזמן הזה. בירור מקיף ויסודי אחר תקנת ברכת שהחיינו. מדוע נהוג לברכה על פרי חדש לעומת אירועים משמחים שאינו נהוג לברכה? מהם כללי היסוד הקובע את אמירתה? סקירה הלכתית ומגוונת מממקרים ושאלות רלוונטיות. ראה זה חדש.

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  • When to Wash – Activities That Require Hand-Washing $75.00

    Everyday life presents many instances where one ought to wash their hands: cutting nails, using the restroom, taking a nap, to name just a few. A review and commentary on the range of activities that require netilas yedayim.

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  • תואר גופני אצל הקב״ה $39.00

    מעיקרי האמונה הוא החיוב להאמין שהקב”ה מושלל הוא מגשם וציור גופני. אך האומנם זאת היא הדיעה המוסכמת אצל גדולי ישראל לדורותיהם? והאם ביכולתו ית׳ הבלתי בעל גבול להתלבש גם בדמות גופני? על שלילת הגשמות והנמנעות אצלו ית׳ בספרות החקירה והחסידות.

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  • Thanking G-d for Goodness Part II $39.00

    What defines a “dangerous scenario” for which one must recite birkas hagomel? This paper addresses the questions and challenges introduced by air travel, and defines the types of illnesses and levels of recovery that require the gomel blessing.

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  • The Jewish View of Anti-Semitism $75.00

    Sadly, antisemitism is as much a part of Jewish life as anything else. So what does the Torah say about this regular fixture of our lives? How does Chassidus explain this ancient hatred? Can we do anything about it or is this part of Jewish destiny?

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    Sequence of Scripture - Retracing the Writing of the Torah from Sinai
    Sequence of Scripture – Retracing the Writing of the Torah from Sinai Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    What elements of the Torah were revealed before the giving of the Torah? How was the Torah first conveyed to Moshe and the Jews? What was the process used to record the Torah? Is any of this reflected in the setup of the Torah, the way it is written, divided into portions, its spaces, letters or crowns?

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  • Shaking Hands and Shaking the Boat $75.00

    How does a Rabbi explain to women why he won’t shake their hands? And why can’t we find a similar way to avoid embarrassment—our own and our female laity’s?

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  • The Happiness Imperative – Part I $39.00

    Joy is one of Judaism’s highest placed values. See why from a range of perspectives including halacha, mussar, and Chassidus. The Baal Shem Tov’s unique emphasis on simcha rounds out this broad discussion.

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  • Thanking G-d for Goodness Part I $39.00

    This broad analysis of Birchas HaGomel takes a modern focus: Does a domestic flight over water trigger this blessing? An international one over land? What about a missed flight that crashes? A look at the basic laws and rational behind Gomel lays the foundation to determine when and why the blessing is required.

    (See also Thanking G-d for Goodness Part II)

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  • Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Non-Orthodox Jews and Shabbat Observance $75.00

    Inviting non-Shomrei Shabbat to attend Shul or meals at your
    home is often also an invitation for them to drive on Shabbat. What are the
    laws of this overlooked yet critical issue? Do the ends ever justify the means?
    How can we balance our love for our fellow with our love for halacha?

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  • A Peek into Paradise $39.00

    A thorough demystification of Gan Eden, lending clarity to an
    oft-misunderstood feature of Jewish belief. This paper reaches into centuries
    of literature to define what the purpose of Gan Eden is, what transpires there,
    and what a person must do to gain entry to this exclusive realm.

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  • How to Cook Wine So Jews Can Dine $39.00

    It has saved many a Shabbos meal and avoided much embarrassment. But how exactly does yayin mevushal address the problem of yayin nesech? What is the technical definition of mevushal? A behind-the-scenes look at kosher wine production and its laws.

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  • The Dynamics of Jewish Marriage $39.00

    This detailed review of the halachic underpinnings of a marriage sheds light on several controversial issues. Why can divorce be initiated by the man only? What, in the Jewish view, is the essence of marriage? Why are the gender roles so vastly different?

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  • Marriage Made in Charan $39.00

    A factual review of our forefather’s wedding and marriage arrangements. How
    old was Ya’akov when he got married? How old were Bilhah and Zilpah? Were Rochel and
    Leah twins? Why did Ya’akov work for seven years for each of them?

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    Sacred Shepherds
    Sacred Shepherds: An Essay on Jewish Leadership Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Why do the Jewish people need leaders? Where is the line between guidance
    and dictatorship? What qualifies one to be a leader? An analysis of one of
    Judaism’s most central institutions.

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    Jewish Chemistry
    Jewish Chemistry: Physical Actions and Spiritual Reactions Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Jewish ritual is rife with physical actions—such as standing, bowing, rising— which hint to the spiritual drama unfolding in the background. This paper takes a close look at several of these to gain an understanding of the complex interplay between man’s physical state and his spiritual state.

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