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  • Medical Intervention for Terrorists – To Treat or Not to Treat? [New!] $75.00

    The sanctity and celebration of human life in Judaism can be said to be commensurate with the aspiration for death amongst our enemies.
    The recent headlines reporting that some Israeli MDA first responders provide emergency medical care for injured terrorists, raises some serious ethical dilemmas.
    What is the Torah’s position?
    A detailed exploration of these laws as they pertain to Bnei Noach and Gerei Toshav; the laws of Lo Sichanem, Rodef, Moser and more.

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  • Arabs Living in the Shtachim (Sources) $39.00

    When the State of Israel triumphantly vanquished its enemies that occupied its West Bank in a defensive war, a critical  question arose as to the future of the the local Arab population. How did the Rebbe recommend they be dealt with?

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  • May We Share the Legacy? $39.00

    The Torah generally forbids teaching Torah to gentiles. Are there circumstances when it would be permitted?

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  • Father from Far: Respecting a Non-Jewish Father $39.00

    A study of the rights and responsibilities of a Jewish child to a gentile parent. Does the prohibition of cursing a parent apply? What are his kibud av obligations? And after the father dies, does the son tear kriah? Does he say kaddish?

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  • The Afterlife of the Righteous Gentile $39.00

    Many religions restrict life and the reward in the afterworld only to followers of that religion. How do the Talmud and other classic rabbinic sources treat the question of whether gentiles can merit a portion in the World to Come?

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  • Being Generous to Gentiles $39.00

    Wherever and whenever humanitarian disasters strike, Jewish agencies are the first to help. Why? This paper explores the Jewish people’s responsibilities to the peoples of the world.

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  • A House of Prayer for All Nations $39.00

    Do gentiles have an obligation to pray? What do they say? How does G-d regard their prayers?

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  • Different Strokes for Different Folks $39.00

    The distinction between Jew and Gentile has often been
    misunderstood and used to incite hate. This paper explores the difference between Jews and Gentiles in Jewish law, and its impact on modern-day living.

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  • צדקה לגויים $39.00

    עיון על רמת האחריות החלה על ישראל לפרנס גם את שאר עניי אומות העולם. דרכיה דרכי נועם.

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  • Is Judaism just for Jews? $39.00

    May non-Jews participate in personal and communal performance of mitzvos? What must we be aware of when working with intermarried families? A look at how the people of the book share their birthright with the people of the world.

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