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  • A Fractured World – The Events of the Mabul and the Continental Drift [New!] $39.00

    Modern Geology postulates that the seven continents of the Earth originated in a single land mass, and at some point, drifted away from each other.
    Does this theory “hold water” from a Torah perspective? If yes, can this theory explain how the kangaroo reached Australia?

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  • The Brilliant Engineering of the Jewish Calendar $39.00

    This research paper examines the internal workings of the Jewish calendar and provides solutions for some of its inconsistencies.

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  • The Thinking Planet $75.00

    From the moment it was written, the Rambam’s famous Halachah that the intelligence of planets surpasses that of humanity has puzzled and perplexed Jewish scholars. What did the Rambam mean? The planets and stars are seemingly inanimate objects, incapable of intellectual thought. Are we so mistaken in our view of the constellations?

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  • Mind, Matter and G-d – Vision of Science from a Chabad Perspective $39.00

    The human brain is capable of extraordinary feats. Our key to knowledge and our window to understanding, the intellect is universally recognized as the most exalted entity in existence. Yet both Torah and science recognize that the mind, and its capacity for understanding, is limited – a fact that the brain itself logically accepts. This paper demonstrates the limitations of the mind – and how human intelligence alone can never fully grasp the infinite.
    Includes: What lessons did the Rebbe glean from Einstein’s theory of relativity, for dealing with apparent contradictions between Torah and Science?

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  • The Rainbow Effect (Sources) $39.00

    We recite a special blessing upon seeing a rainbow, thanking G-d for upholding His covenant with Noach. But isn’t a rainbow just a natural phenomenon, a function of light refracting off of moisture?
    Is there significance to the colors of the rainbow?

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  • Spontaneous Generation $75.00

    The Talmud refers to various creatures that grow spontaneously (asexually) – a phenomena roundly rejected by modern biology. What are some of the approaches that have been put forward to reconcile between the two and what bearing do they have the practical Halachah? Did the Rebbe espouse a unique approach to this?

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  • It’s Written in the Stars: The Jewish Approach to Astrology, Zodiac and the Horoscopes $75.00

    Since the dawn of civilization, man has been fascinated with divining his destiny. Whether it was reading animal entrails or tracing the movements of stars, ancient philosophers claimed to know the answers to your future. Though Torah holds most of these methods in contempt, Astrology remains a hotly debated subject in Torah. What is Torah’s viewpoint on this ancient form of divination? Is it idolatry? Sheer nonsense? Isn’t the Jewish fascination with months and Mazal a form of Astrology? Embark on a thorough analysis of Torah’s perspective on this art.

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