Love Secrets: A Jewish Take

From: $550.00

This course explores the messages teens are getting from the mainstream media and Western culture, concerning dating, attraction, love, beauty, and sexuality. By inviting students to take a serious look at these real life issues and the way their relationships play out in their day-to-day lives, we will transmit the profound wisdom found in Torah and Chassidus. This course will dispel misnomers about love and intimacy in Judaism and show the beauty in monogamy and the spirituality of marriage. Practically, students will walk away with the know-how to confront peer pressure; have self-respect; respect others; and see the beauty in a happy, healthy, holy, and appropriate relationship with the right (Jewish) person and with Hashem.

Love Secrets: A Jewish Take Student Book

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Includes: 1 Teacher’s manual, Marketing materials, PowerPoints, Lesson videos.

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