This Can Happen: A Credible Case for Feeling Good about the Future
For thousands of years, the prophecies of a “messianic age” stretched the imaginations of even the most fervent believers.
Not anymore.
Instant media, certain mass social movements and a global pandemic have shown us how suddenly and radically the world can be rewired by the actions of a few.
Why not for the good?
Join us to demystify the Jewish idea of a perfect world and discover a practical path for reaching it in our lifetime.
Lesson 1
Start with the Science
In a society marked by chaos and discord, it’s hard to believe our world is actually better than it’s ever been. Let’s dive into the data of what’s wrong—and what’s right—with the world.
Lesson 2
Who Needs a Redemption?
Though it will solve every speck of ill in the world, the idea of Redemption is not a response to strife. Rather, it’s an independent and foundational tenet of Jewish belief. See where it fits into the bigger story of Creation.
Lesson 3
Superhuman vs. Super Humans
Waiting for a Messiah to come save humanity feels a little… un-Jewish. But what if Redemption is a natural reaction to humanity’s own cumulative action? Discover the effect you’ve already had on the reality of the world.
Lesson 4
We’re Getting There
Judaism sees all of history as one connected journey toward a single desired destiny. In this lesson, we look back to identify four distinct epochs that show us how far we’ve traveled on the way to a truly good world.
Lesson 5
Out of the Blues
So, will we wake up one day in a glorious wonderland? Or is the Redemption more of a gradual process? Let’s study the sources on the actual transition from our reality today into a world of revelation.
Lesson 6
And Then…
We’ve seen why the Redemption needs to happen and the human role in making it happen. Now peek into that perfect—and perfectly possible—world as the prophets and sages vividly describe it!
Weight | 2 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 11 × 1 in |
Department | Flagship |
Lessons | 6 |
Course Textbook
Weight | 1.1 lbs |
Dimensions | 8 × 10 × 0.5 in |
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