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  • MyShiur: Pesachim

    The Mitzvot associated with preparing for the holiday of Passover are classic examples where the Biblical commandments are closely interwoven with later Rabbinic enactments. As you study, you will learn to analyze the sages’ thought processes as they sought to strengthen Torah observance. Lessons will focus on practical Halacha as you follow the Mitzvah from its Biblical roots to the Talmudic dialogue, to the verdicts of the codifiers.

    Along the way, The Talmud’s text meanders to touch on topics as varied as safe traveling, speaking with refinement, trusting strangers and performing Mitzvot with alacrity, among other subjects.

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  • MyShiur: Bava Metsia

    This course introduces you to a fascinating discussion about lost and mislaid property. You’ll tackle challenging analyses about the classification of various kinds of finds, and explore the Talmud’s directives regarding your civic duties and moral responsibilities.

    Join us as we delve into the two-thousand-year-old Talmudic tradition, enjoying the rich interplay of law, logic, and ethics as you acquire study skills.

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  • MyShiur: Shabbat

    A mitzvah that is both widely observed and very demanding, Shabbat is the focal point of the Jewish week. To properly keep Shabbat, one must have an understanding of the various laws and customs associated with the holy day. In this new course, visual aids are used to illuminate intricate legal analyses and legal derivations from the Talmud, shedding light into the mystery of Shabbat and its source in Biblical passages.

    Note: Student books for this course are sold separately. Click here to to order them on Amazon.

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  • MyShiur: Ta’anit

    Prayer and reflection are fundamental components of our spiritual life and the ultimate expressions of our faith. In Judaism, on Yom Kippur and other auspicious, holy days or times of need, we intensify our communion with the Almighty with fasting.

    Under the guidance and direction of the renowned, leading Talmudic scholar of our era, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz), this new course is a study of the opening chapter of Talmudic tractate Ta’anit (Fasting). The discussion in this section centers around the Torah’s view on prayer, and specifically, prayers for rain in times of drought.

    The subject is inspirational and empowering, demonstrating the Jewish tradition of directly communicating with our creator and asking Him to provide for all our needs.

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  • Election Series Six lessons $250.00

    All 6 lessons together.

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  • Gun Control & Immigration $150.00

    Two JLI lessons on Gun Control & Immigration

    Student Books Available here

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  • The Art of Parenting $999.00

    In The Art of Parenting, we scale the challenges that face us as parents and explore timeless insights from Jewish wisdom to instill values, foster independence, and ensure the long-term success and emotional well-being of our children.

    Instructors have successfully networked with local schools to offer the course to their parent bodies.

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  • The Jewish Course of Why

    The 50 biggest questions about Jews and Judaism. The topics of the popular JLI course, The Jewish Course of Why, span a diverse range, from fun, light, and off-the-beaten-track questions, to more complex and controversial issues.

    Reinforce you most-valued relationships with brief one-to- one, weekly learning sessions. Each question is perfect for a 15-minute study session with a friend or supporter in-person or over the phone.

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  • -23%Limited
    The JLI Gratitude Seminar: Waking Up To Life

    A 90 minute seminar to inspire gratitude and thankfulness. Guaranteed to change the way you wake up.

    If you have already purchased this seminar, additional student packets are available to purchase here

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  • Toward Inclusion $299.00

    Inclusion as a movement advocates for the opportunity for all people to fully participate in society.

    The 4 lesson Rohr Jewish Learning Institute course, Toward Inclusion, is predicated on the understanding that real and enduring societal change is achieved by transforming individual minds and hearts.

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  • Chavruta Detective

    Sold at Sotheby's

    Introduce Yeshiva-style Chavrusa learning with the Chavruta Detective: Sold at Sotheby’s workshop. This entertaining and interactive lesson is appropriate for learners on all levels, even those with no prior Torah-learning experience. The fast paced 1-hour session investigates an actual lawsuit from the 1980’s that explores universal legal and ethical questions.

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  • Machon Shmuel: The Sami Rohr Research Institute

    Membership in the Machon Shmuel: The Sami Rohr Research Institute gives you access to a library of thoroughly-researched papers on a wide range of Torah topics and entitles you to request research by our team of scholars on new topics of your choice.

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  • Tishah B’Av Video: Triumph of Hope

    An Evening of Film, Study, and Personal Reflection

    Triumph of Hope is a 25-minute emotionally-gripping documentary featuring Holocaust survivors and a rare video clip of the Rebbe, accompanied by a 50-minute JLI learning experience about finding faith during difficult times.

    Order booklets below.

    Available on backorder

  • Heaven on Earth – Timeless Vessels, Timely Lessons

    A virtual, kabbalistic tour of the furnishings of the Temple. Explore their design, utility, and symbolism as well as their powerful messages to guide our modern lives.

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  • MyShiur: Talmud Learning Initiative

    Ideal for novices and seasoned students alike, myShiur provides enthusiasts an opportunity to engage with the ancient texts and Talmudic dialectic.

    Courses focus on a selected sugya of Gemara. Each course contains ten lessons. Courses are available on sections of the following mesechtot:

    Shabbat– This course focuses on the melachot as studied and examined by the Talmud. A unique biblical verse is explored for all the implications that derive from it.
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    Ketubot This course provides a look at how we balance personal religious idealism and family responsibilities.

    Pesachim – Lessons focus on practical Halacha as you follow the Mitzvah from its Biblical roots to the Talmudic dialogue, to the verdicts of the codifiers.

    Ta'anit – The discussion in this course centers around the Torah’s view on prayer, and specifically, prayers for rain in times of drought.
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    Bava Metsia – This course explores the Talmud’s directives regarding your civic duties and moral responsibilities
    Bava Metsia

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