Chaf Cheshvan – Sparks of Wisdom Booklets $1.50
Inspire your community for Chaf Cheshvan with JLI’s all-new installment of Sparks of Wisdom—”Reflections from the teachings of the Rebbe Rashab.” Sparks of Wisdom can be the centerpiece of interactive educational programming that requires little to no preparation. Organize a Sparks of Wisdom program as a special event, classes, farbrengens, at your Shabbos Kiddush, or any setting of your choice.
The booklet contains easily-understood, inspiring quotes that are great food for thought.
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National Jewish Retreat 2019 – Audio Collection $249.00
Collection of 85+ audio lectures from some of the best Jewish presenters alive today. Recorded at the National Jewish Retreat 2019 in Washington, DC.
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Искры мудрости поучения рабби Шнеур-Залмана из Ляд $1.50
$1.50 за буклет + доставка
“Искры мудрости” – это новая программа группового обучения. Группы участников будут читать и обсуждать десять коротких высказываний из “Тании”, призванных задуматься и вызвать дискуссию. Буклет тщательно разработан, высказвания из “Тании” сопровождаются понятными текстами и интересными вопросами.
* Экземпляры пока ещё есть
Available on backorder
Iud Tet Kislev – Chispas de Sabiduría $1.50
US$1.50 por cuadernillo + envío *
Chispas de Sabiduría es un programa de aprendizaje social en el que grupos de participantes leen y discuten diez pequeños y potentes párrafos del Tania, a partir de un cuadernillo especialmente diseñado, completo y autoexplicativo, textos y preguntas de discusión interesantes para reflexionar y desencadenar la discusión.
* Hasta agotar stock
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י”ט כסלו – חוברות ניצוצות של חכמה $1.50ניצוצות של חכמה היא תוכנית לימוד חברתית חדשה, שבה קבוצות של משתתפים קוראים ומשוחחים יחדיו על עשרה טקסים קצרים וחזקים מספר התניא, מתוך חוברת מעוצבת, ומעורבים בשאלות כדי להרהר בדברים ולעורר דיון
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HAVE. HOLD. CHERISH. From: $80,000,000,191.00
A Rosh Chodesh Society mini-course – New Taharas Hamishpacha Offering
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Rosh Chodesh Society – Gimmel Tammuz Lesson From:
$49.00Original price was: $49.00.$36.00Current price is: $36.00.To Love Another
The quality of our relationships has a direct impact on our quality of life. But in a world where digital communication and social media are increasingly replacing real-world communication, the capacity to truly connect to others seems more and more like a lost art. How do we cultivate genuine empathy, trust, acceptance, and love in our relationships?
This lesson teaches us how to peel away all of the superficialities that divide us, and we discover what ultimately unites us, allowing us to develop truly deep and fulfilling relationships with others.
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Machon Shmuel – Gimmel Tammuz
$36.00Original price was: $36.00.$18.00Current price is: $18.00.Machon Shmuel is proud to offer a collection of papers on a variety of topics relevant to Gimmel Tammuz.
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TorahCafe – Gimmel Tammuz
Torah Cafe is proud to present a treasury of videos on a variety of topics related to Gimmel Tammuz.
You can see them at: TorahCafe.com.In stock
Secrets of Kefitzas Ha-Derech $25.00
In 1903 professor Simon Newcomb argued that human flight was a “mathematical impossibility,” but that same year, the Wright Brothers successfully launched the first powered airplane.
Having your travel route shortened and arriving at your destination almost momentarily is known in Biblical terms as Kefitzas Ha-derech. It may be “naturally impossible,” but miracles do happen! From Avraham to the Baal Shem Tov, some of our greatest heroes experienced this firsthand.
Read this paper to explore this fantastic feat, its history and halachic ramifications. Have a safe trip!
(67 pages)
Submitted by a Shliach in Florida
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Machon Shmuel is proud to offer a collection of papers on a variety of topics relevant to Shavuos.
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Torah Cafe is proud to present a treasury of videos on a variety of topics related to Shavuot.
You can see them at: TorahCafe.com/Shavuot.
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Special for Shavuos: Sparks of Wisdom—a new social learning program—on the Aseres Hadibros. Ten powerful texts and quotes that pertain to the Aseres Hadibros that will provoke engaging discussion and dialogue.
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Sparks of Wisdom is a new, social learning program in which groups of participants read and discuss ten short, powerful nuggets from the teachings of the Rebbe on Pesach, from a neatly designed booklet, complete with self-explanatory texts and engaging questions to reflect upon and trigger discussion.
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