Heaven On Earth: A Visual Tour of the Holy Temple $149.00
A historical, archaeological, and topographical study of the Temple. Explore its chambers and functions and its relevance to us today.
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Mashiach Series – Techiyas Hameisim
Techiyas Hameisim:
1. Flesh over Spirit
2. Discovering Your Deepest Self
3. Quantum Leap
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Mashiach Series – Galus & Geulah
Galus & Geulah:
1. The Purpose of Exile
2. Redemption: Its Centrality to Judaism
3. The Process That Makes Mashiach Happen
4. The Obligation to Await and Anticipate the Redemption
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Mashiach Series – Bi’as HaMashiach
Bi’as Hamashiach:
1. Redemption: “Poof!” or Process?
2. Gog and Magog
3. Eliyahu Hanavi – Part I
4. Eliyahu Hanavi – Part II
5. The Grand Banquet
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Iyun: 3 Weeks $89.00
The Foundation of the Mitzvah of
Building the Holy Temple
The definition of the mitzvah of building the Temple, its substance and its purpose
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