RCS Adar Rishon – The Woman in the Moon
Leap years hold a special significance for women because women are associated with the moon, and in a leap year, we add an additional lunar month—Adar I. This underscores the fact that in a leap year, feminine energy is especially influential and especially potent. This lesson discusses the mechanics of the Jewish calendar, the uniqueness of a woman and the mysterious quality of femininity, and the relationship between the two.
A special sixty-minute lesson that expounds on the unique messages related to Adar Rishon from the RCS Course A reason to Celebrate
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RCS 15 Shevat Lesson – Your Beautiful Fruit
Your Beautiful Fruit—Seven Fruits—Seven Dimensions of Your Soul
A special 15 Shevat lesson from the RCS Course A reason to Celebrate.
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RCS Purim Lesson – Your Reason for Being
Uncovering Your Personal Mission—A Lesson from Queen Esther
A special Purim lesson from the RCS Course A reason to Celebrate.
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Purim – Answering Anti-Semitism
Answering Anti-Semitism
The Jewish Response to Prejudice
“The Jews don’t fit in. They’re different.” The historical accusation has merit, doesn’t it? Are we not different in beliefs, dress, and in myriad other ways? How do we answer this charge? In the Purim story, the paradigm of antisemitism, we find the unexpected answer.
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