Request for Sources (#16)


A Time for Mercy – The  recital of the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Yud Gimmel Midos HaRachmim) is the divinely ordained method to evoke G-d’s mercy. But can they be invoked at any time, even without a Minayn? What is the Rebbe’s opinion?

Publicizing in Private –  The defining theme of Chanukah is the Mitzvah to publicize the miracles that occurred then. From the Halacha to light at a window to the Rebbe’s campaign for public lightings, the defining theme of lightning the Menorah is the Mitzvah to publicize the miracles that occurred then. But does there still remain a special Mitzvah to light in your own home?

The Jewish Black Box – The simple act of placing a black box on your arm and head is one of the most spiritually profound Mitzvos in all of Judaism. What does Tefillin really achieve? What is the reward for this Mitzvah?

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