Identifying the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Sources) [New!] $39.00
One of the focal points of the High-Holiday prayers is the recital of the “Thirteen Attributes of Mercy” revealed by G-d to Moshe as key to arousing divine mercy (Shemot 34:6-7).
The Rishonim labored to identify the precise words of the verse that represent each of the thirteen attributes, yielding multiple interpretations.
Understanding the meaning of these attributes according to the Kabbalistic tradition of the Zohar and Arizal provides for a slightly different division of the words in the verse.
This collection provides some background on the significance of the Yud Gimmel Midos HaRachamim and its mystical meaning.In stock
Feasts of Gratitude $39.00
G-d’s benevolence is all around us. Every day we experience divine salvation whether we know it or not. But sometimes these events truly transcend the natural order for which we owe G-d an additional debt of gratitude.
What is the appropriate way to express thanks to G-d when experiencing deliverance from danger? Is it preferable to do so discreetly or is a public celebration in order? What is the basis for the common custom of inviting friends to participate in a Seudas Hoda’ah (feast of gratitude)?
Related: Thanking G-d for Goodness Parts I and IIIn stock
סוד עניית אמן. פרק א $39.00
אמן. מילה קטנה הטומנת בתוכה אוצרות גדולות. המילה שהפכה לביטוי עמקי האמונה, בכוחה להמשיך ברכות וכוחות עצומים. מהו אפוא סודה של עניית אמן? האיך אמור האדם להתחבר אליה במדה מלאה? סקירה מקיפה לאור גנזי הקבלה והחסידות (חלק א).
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A Mystical Prayer $39.00
Ana Bechoach is an ancient and mystical Jewish prayer and spells the names
of G-d acrostically. What is the meaning of this prayer?In stock
A Look at Liturgy: On the Origin and Evolution of Piyutim $39.00
Piyutim are liturgical poems that are chanted during prayer primarily on the High Holidays, with some dating back many generations. What is their status in Jewish law? Must they all be recited or can they be omitted? What do we know about their origin and evolution? How important is it to adhere to local custom?
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Old Worshippers and Timeless Prayer $39.00
A minyan of seniors, a common occurrence at old age homes, can be challenging. What does Jewish law say about seniors sleeping during the prayers, or seniors who are unable or unwilling to actively participate in the services?
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יסוד תקנת אמירת ברכת שהחיינו $39.00
שהחיינו וקיימנו לזמן הזה. בירור מקיף ויסודי אחר תקנת ברכת שהחיינו. מדוע נהוג לברכה על פרי חדש לעומת אירועים משמחים שאינו נהוג לברכה? מהם כללי היסוד הקובע את אמירתה? סקירה הלכתית ומגוונת מממקרים ושאלות רלוונטיות. ראה זה חדש.
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Thanking G-d for Goodness Part II $39.00
What defines a “dangerous scenario” for which one must recite birkas hagomel? This paper addresses the questions and challenges introduced by air travel, and defines the types of illnesses and levels of recovery that require the gomel blessing.
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Thanking G-d for Goodness Part I $39.00
This broad analysis of Birchas HaGomel takes a modern focus: Does a domestic flight over water trigger this blessing? An international one over land? What about a missed flight that crashes? A look at the basic laws and rational behind Gomel lays the foundation to determine when and why the blessing is required. (See also Thanking G-d for Goodness Part II)
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Praying in Unison – Kedusha during the Silent Amida $39.00
Joining the congregation in their recital of kedusha is important on many levels. But what should one do if he is still reciting the silent Amida? Or just about to begin? When a worshiper’s private Amida collides with the recital of Kedusha by the congregation, what is the appropriate response?
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סוד עניית אמן. פרק ב $39.00
אמן׳ – מלה בת שלושה אותיות בלבד הטומנת בתוכה פנינים ומרגליות גם מתורת הנסתר והקבלה. מאמר המשך זה – פרק שני – בגדולתה של עניית אמן סוקר את סוד פעולת הברכה בעולם הספירות ועד המשכתה למטה על ידי עניית אמן. גדול העונה
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The Congregational Prayer Service – Prayer Section III $75.00
Familiarize yourself with the background of the various components that comprise the davening. The repetition of the Amida, the appropriate direction for prayer, who is fit to lead the service, the procedures of Krias HaTorah and much more.
Part III in a Series
Table of ContentsIn stock
The Chazzan’s Dilemma $39.00
The greatest cantorial pieces call for the
repetition of certain words. When is this allowed? What is the issue? And what
role, if any, does the Chazzan play in Chabad philosophy?In stock
Bowing in Prayer $75.00
As an expression of honor and submission, bowing before an authority has always been common. In Jewish prayer, numerous segments are associated with bowing and prostration. What are some of the reasons for bowing during the recital of Modeh Ani, Barchu, the Amida, Aleinu and during the Yom Kippur service?
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The Mindset of Prayer – Tefilah with Kavanah $75.00
Find out what is required of one who prays when it comes to focusing one’s mind on the Almighty. To what degree is kavanah really necessary? Are there any techniques that provide a shortcut to healthy kavanah?
Part IV in a Series
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Evolution of Prayer $75.00
Beseeching the Creator for His benevolence and salvation is a practice of universal import and value. But how did the uniquely Jewish form of prayer evolve? What was the process by which the first siddurim were designed?
Part II in a Series
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