Blessing the Public Square (Sources) $39.00
One of the the central themes of Chanukah is Pirsumei Nisa, the public display and celebration of the holiday. Around the world, Menorah’s are kindled in Malls, at City Halls and all sorts of public places. May one recite the traditional blessing over the Chaukah lights if they are being lit in the city square and not in the privacy of one’s home or Shul?
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Great Shakes: Understanding the Mitzvah of Shaking the Lulav and Esrog $75.00
Up, down, left, right, the lulav nanuim are a bewildering sight. This paper delves into the mysticism behind the historically venerated mitzvah of shaking lulav and esrog. What are its origins? What does it represent? How is it relevant today?
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תקיעת שופר – טעמיה ומשמעותה $39.00
בירור מקיף על מצות שופר ומשמעותם הפנימית של סוגי הקולות וסידורם לאור החסידות.
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Anatomy of a Cry: What the Shofar Sound Bites Mean to You $39.00
The Blowing of the Shofar: Reasons and Significance
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Adding Time $25.00
Shabbos and Yom Tov are both so precious to the Jewish people that many Jews welcome them in early. How does this fit in with the prohibition of adding to a Mitzvah? What is the source of this practice? Study all the opinions and Halachic ramifications.
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An Uplifting Shabbos (Sources) $75.00
This item features a summary
of halachic opinion regarding the use of Shabbos elevators and prepaid trains
and busses. It also surveys the halachic definition of creating “fire,”
and how poskim define the use of electronic devices and appliances on
Shabbos. This package includes an index with 25 copies of original responsa.In stock
Friday Lights $39.00
Shabbat candles are perhaps one of the most evocative images of Jewish life. What is the source for this practice? Where, and how many, Shabbat candles are lit?
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As Confusing as Night and Day $39.00
The International Date
Line causes halachic headaches in a number of ways. A fascinating discussion of
the overall halachic view of the International Date Line, with a focus on the
specific difficulties it imposes on the observance of Shabbat and Shavuot.In stock
The Clock Strikes Six $39.00
The winter Shabbos is an eccentric experience. The moment the last Kaddish finishes, a sudden urgency befalls the congregants: suddenly there’s a desperate need to be home, a manic dash to make it before that fated hour – and should you arrive just a minute too late, you have to wait until 7:00 for Kidush, or do you? What is the origin of this seemingly peculiar custom? Does everyone agree with it? Should one wait the hour, possibly compelling guests to hungrily watch the ticking clock till the magic moment arrives?
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Handmade vs. Machine Matzah $39.00
What’s the difference between the two types? Why do some people prefer one over the other? And why is the Chabad preference for hand-made matzah?
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Is the Menorah a Publicity Hound? $39.00
Some people place their Menorah in the window for all to see. Others put it inside the home, opposite the doorpost. What’s the difference? Which way is better?
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Man vs Machine: The Matzah Story $39.00
This paper looks at some of the halachic issues that relate to machine-made matzas. These include the risk of dough being caught in the machine, the length of time the dough is left unattended, and the difficulties in properly cleaning the machine.
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Shabbos with a Bang $39.00
The Sages
forbid clapping and dancing on Shabbos. What is the halachic
justification for the Chassidic custom to dance and clap in prayerful song on Shabbos? What about applauding at the conclusion of a great
speech?In stock
See Beyond the Disguise $39.00
The teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidus illuminate the yom tov of Chanukah and reveal the hidden messages of the Chanukah lights. What is the connection between the Ohr Haganuz (the light that was concealed at the beginning of time), and the light cast by the Chanukah candles?
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